Page 5 - HIPAA Compliance Checklist
P. 5
Backup and Recovery Checklist Anti-Virus Checklist
Policies are in place prescribing backup Policies are in place requiring use of an-
and recovery procedures. ti-virus software.
All staff members understand the recov- All staff members understand and agree
ery plan and their duties during recovery. that they shall not hinder the operation
of anti-virus software.
System restore procedures are known
to at least one trusted party outside the All staff members know how to recognize
practice. possible symptoms of viruses or malware
on their computers.
A copy of the recovery plan is safely
stored off-site. All staff members know what to do to
avoid virus/malware infections.
Files identified as critical are documented
and listed in the backup configuration. Anti-virus software is installed and op-
erating effectively on each computer in
Backup schedule is timely and regular. compliance with manufacturer recom-
Every backup run is tested for its ability
to restore the data accurately. Anti-virus software is set up to allow au-
tomatic updates from the manufacturer.
Backup media are physically secured.
Anti-virus software is fully up-to-date
Backup media stored off-site are encrypt- according to manufacturer’s standards.
Handheld or mobile devices that support
Backup media are made unreadable be- anti-virus software have the software
fore disposal. installed and operating.
Multiple backups are retained as a fail-
HIPAA Violation Penalties
could result in fines up
to $50,000 per violation.